The Museum, one of the oldest and most dynamic cultural organizations in Greece, from its establishment, has been functioning as a living organism, with the active participation of young volunteers from all over Greece. Voluntarism, as a theory and practice, has for the past 35 years been the backbone of the museum's activities.
The innovative and pioneering way in which young people are activated, by combining theory and practice, includes a six cycle program:
Museum Activities
Dialogue and communication are the basis of the Museum's operation. After a period of training and testing, new volunteers offer the museum's visitors the opportunity to approach the meaning of culture, through human contact, while the volunteers themselves gain experience.
Preservation of museum artifacts
Young people have the opportunity to utilize this experience at a professional level, if they wish to do so. This program includes:
-scientific and electronic registration and archival classification of museum artifacts
-scientific classification and electronic registration of documents
-scientific classification and electronic registration of books
-database creation and information sharing network
Organizational, artistic and cultural activities
1.Organizing the annual Skyros festival
This festival is almost exclusively carried out by the Museum's volunteers. The festival centers on events inspired by legends, myths and history reaching to the roots of civilization. These events bring to life heroes and leaders such as Achilles and Neoptolemus, Odysseus, Ajax and Nestor, as well as loved and distinguished gods, demi-gods and mortals.
As part of the festival, volunteers also organize and participate in other artistic and cultural events, such as:
-theatrical plays
-street theater
-literary events
-art exhibitions (painting, sculpture, photography)
-book exhibitions
2.Organizing artistic workshops
3.Organizing symposia, conferences etc.
4.Organizing meetings cultural and youth issues
5.Educational programs for young people and children regarding culture
6.Entertainment programs for young people and children.
These programs, not only contribute to the development of culture and cultural tourism, but also help young people to:
1.Interact, cultivate their relationships and develop their social skills, through their cohabitation during the program period. The life of our young volunteers in Skyros is organized based on a cultural camp, where everything is common, from their daily life to the cultural creation. The ability to reach common decisions and solve possible problems collectively, through dialogue, contribute to deepen their contact and forge time-enduring relationships.
2. Gain experiences and skills on the wide range of culture, and, if they wish to, become involved on a more permanent basis in the field of culture. Also, to improve the standard of living of the local community, through organizing these events.